Australia is a country that boasts a wealth of talented IT specialists, whether it be for general IT services or establishing robust cyber security services. Choosing the right company for you isn’t so much a matter of whether one company is good and the other not so good. It’s more about what services, experience and protocols suit you and your business best.

In this post, we’ll take a look at some handy tips on choosing the right IT services company and whether managed IT services or cyber security services is the best choice.

What Are Managed IT Services and Cyber Security Services

Just in case you’re not fully aware, we’ll go over a very quick explanation of each.

Managed IT services basically means you’ll hire an IT firm to handle your IT requirements. This can include things like installing computer systems, setting up networks, along with troubleshooting any issues and performing upgrades. In general, ongoing system management.

Cyber security is all about ensuring your business IT system is secure and guarded against potential data loss, cyber-attacks and cybercrime.

Should You Choose One Or the Other?

For a well-rounded, safe and secure IT system, you really need both. Realistically, a quality IT company should be able to provide both managed IT services along with cyber security services. The company you choose may sell each service as a separate package or include both in the one convenient price, but either way, for your business to run efficiently with minimal downtime and to be secure, you’ll want both services included in your business budget. After all, there’s very little point having an awesome computer system that’s well-maintained if it’s not entirely safe from cyber-criminals or potential loss of vital data.

The two services really go hand in hand and any modern business would be putting themselves at a disadvantage by only choosing one option.

Finding the Right IT Services Company For You

Before you can determine what’s the right fit for you and your business, you first need to work out both your IT and cyber security requirements as well as your budget. Your budget needs to cover setup costs as well as ongoing or flat-rate fees for managed IT services and cyber security services.

One way to start your search for the right IT company is to jump online. If your business is located in Townsville, for example, a simple search for ‘IT solutions Townsville’ will bring up some options to look into.

Check out the ‘About’ pages of the companies so you get an idea of the services they offer, how many years they’ve been in business and what the goals of the company are regarding their customers.

If you’re looking for IT solutions Cairns or IT support Cairns, then give the team at Future IT Services a call. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will answer any queries you may have and we can take care of all your managed IT services and cybersecurity needs.