Following the announcement this morning from Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, the Government and Public sector organisations are being targeted in a sophisticated cyber-attack. At this stage, the information received on the attack has indicated that there have not been any personal data breaches. However, this is certainly a wake-up call for businesses who have been putting cyber security on the back-foot.

In many of our recent articles, we have shared the importance of having a cyber security plan and why your business needs cyber security training, as prevention is definitely better (and cheaper) than the cure.

The Minister of Defence also made a statement this morning with the following advice:

1. Patch your devices

Patch your internet-facing devices properly, ensuring that any web or email servers are fully updated with the latest software.

Read more on why patching is important.

2. Multi-Factor Authentication

Always use multi-factor authentication to secure your internet access, infrastructure, and your cloud-based forms.

3. ACSC partnership

Check your IT provider is an ACSC partner and as they have access to the latest cyber threat advice to protect your business.

Future IT Services are a trusted ACSC partner and can provide you with all the relevant information and support your business needs to stay protected.

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The cost of cyber-attacks extends beyond financial losses. Past events shown us that prevention through education trumps the aftermath of breaches.


We’d hate to see you fall victim to a cyber attack that could have been avoided with the right cyber security measures in place. Talk to us today if you have any questions about implementing the above or how you can strengthen your businesses defence against cyber attacks.

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