This is Lee, our new Workshop Technician. We took it upon ourselves to pick the brain of Future IT Services newest member and this is what he said!

Tell us one of your proudest achievements?

Professionaly, I’d have to say never missing an SLA.

If that’s the case, we know our clients will be happy to hear this!

Tell us something that none of your colleagues know about you?

I glow in the dark.

We can’t wait for Lee to show this off at the next company party!

Does tomato sauce go in the fridge or cupboard?

Cupboard before opened, Fridge after.

Tell us the funniest joke you know?

Two cows are standing in a field… one cow says MOO! The other cow says… Hey I was just about to say that!

After you left school, what was your dream job?

A Victorian era chimney sweep.

What do you enjoy most about working for Future IT Services?

It will give me a chance to expand my skills and knowledge in IT.

We cant wait to see what expert knowledge Lee brings to the team and we hope that we can learn something new from him!

If you were arrested with no explanation what would your friends and family think you have done?


For those who don’t know, Regicide is the fourth quest in the Elf quest series, where King Lathas sends the player to Tirannwn to kill his brother, King Tyras, and end his tyranny.

If you were stranded on a desert Island and could have one piece of technology, what would it be and why?

A large fully staffed yacht.

If you had to pick one super power what would it be?


This is the gift of having unlimited or very great power.