The Covid-19 pandemic has caused countless problems in everyone’s lives around Australia and across the globe. With social distancing measures in place for months, so many businesses shut down and numerous people working remotely, one of the greatest challenges everyone’s faced has been effective communication.

The clients of law firms have really been affected as well. Often a person has to enlist the help of a lawyer because they are dealing with some sort of stressful situation to begin with, such as a court case or a divorce. With Covid-19 making communication with a lawyer extra difficult, this has only served to increase stress levels for clients. No in-person meetings and relying on emails etc. is never as good as a face-to-face chat.

So, to keep clients happy and to lower their stress levels, law firms really need a reliable VoIP solution to keep the lines of communication open.

VoIP and Microsoft Teams

Having a reliable VoIP solution is a key way that law firms can stay in regular contact with valued clients through these tough times. This is further enhanced when VoIP calling is used with Microsoft Teams.

What is Microsoft Teams?

It’s an integral part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite. The idea of Teams is to make it easier to collaborate with other co-workers as well as clients. You can:

  • Chat one-on-one
  • Share important documents
  • Have a team chat
  • Share valuable information
  • And more…

In a Covid-19 world, anything that makes communication and collaboration faster and easier is a good thing. Microsoft Teams provides a simple video calling solution to have a reliable face-to-face conversation between lawyer and client.

There is a feature in Office 365 called Phone System, and it’s this in-built feature that makes VoIP calling with Teams possible. Using the Microsoft Direct Connect feature, a law firm can even directly connect a public switched telephone network. You can replace your entire law firm’s phone system with VoIP and Microsoft Teams set up with a managed cloud-based service. In turn, it will simplify your telecommunications processes and save your firm money.

Anyone with a computer, tablet or smartphone can make VoIP calls to other members of Teams. Conference calls and video calling is all possible with Microsoft Teams and VoIP, making staying in touch with clients a breeze.

 Microsoft Office 365 and Telstra Calling

What is Telstra Calling for Office 365 and how does it help a law firm stay in touch with its clients?

With a Telstra calling plan you can transform VoIP and Microsoft teams into a cloud-based phone system. So lawyers can stay in touch with clients more easily, Telstra Calling for Office 365 allows calls directly to landlines and mobile phones from within Microsoft Teams, and you only need one business number.

So long as your business has good and reliable internet access, Telstra Calling works by having a fully-managed link tapping directly into Microsoft Office Suite 365. Each user is given their own phone number linked to their Office 365 client, and you can even port or migrate over your existing landline phone numbers. Alternatively, using the administration portal, new phone numbers can be allocated.

The system is a collaboration between Microsoft and Telstra to bring Australian businesses a smart and intuitive telecommunications solution that makes staying in touch with co-workers and clientele both reliable and easy.

As mentioned earlier, utilising VoIP, Microsoft Teams and Telstra Calling for Office 365 will save your law firm money and also allows face-to-face video calling with clients whenever you have a consultation booked. There’s no need for a client to visit the office of the law firm, as meetings can be conducted remotely and safely, adhering to social distancing measures due to Covid-19.

Talk VoIP Solutions With Future IT Services

For all your VoIP and IT solutions in Cairns and Townsville, the team you can count on for quality service at the right price is Future IT Services. To learn more about how Microsoft Teams, VoIP calling and Telstra Calling for Office 365 can help your law firm stay in contact with your clients, just give us a call and have a chat with one of our knowledgeable staff members. Simplifying your business phone system is not only a way to overcome some of the difficulties associated with the current pandemic, it’s a positive step towards the future of your business in the years to come.