In Far North Queensland, we have been dodging the effects of natural disasters and have been very fortunate to date in doing so – what a great place to live.

That said, it is the time of year where along with all these events, which are all very much either hanging around or not far away, we should not wait for disaster to strike before preparing.

All the good hardware stores start putting out their “cyclone kits” well ahead of the season, and many people will buy these in preparation, as well as making sure they have other measures in place around the home and checking on insurance cover.

So, what about our businesses, what happens if:

  • A cyclone causes you to lose power to the office, or flooding prevents you from opening or getting to the office
  • Should we have a local outbreak of COVID
  • Or as is more common this time of year, the roads and supply to the south gets cut off by floods or a lightning strike causes equipment failure.

Is your business prepared for all of this and if you can not operate, how long can you stay afloat?

Preparing ahead for disaster these days must fully take into account your IT and Communications, without these most businesses just cannot operate for any sustained period.

At Future IT Services, we work with customers to develop sustainable strategies that will allow businesses to keep operating through most, if not all outcomes. During COVID in the first half of 2020 for example, we had customers who were able to close their offices and have all personnel work from home, with no real disruption to their business.

Likewise, we also help prepare businesses for technology disasters and can provide solutions that can have you up and running in a very short space of time whether you have suffered a Server, Network or Internet outage.

But there’s no ‘one size fits all’, so contact us for more information on disaster recovery solutions and an IT consultation today. Don’t delay as we have already seen road closures to the south which affects deliveries every year.