Delivering exceptional healthcare in remote locations presents unique challenges. These include limited resources, a shortage of medical professionals, and issues with access to healthcare services. 

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reported that there are 7 times fewer specialists in remote areas versus major cities. Also, those living in remote locations were seven times more likely to not see a GP because there was not one nearby, compared to major city dwellers.  

Meanwhile, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) of Australia revealed that, among Australians in remote and very remote locations: 

  • Around 45,000 have no regular access to primary healthcare within a 60-minute drive 
  • More than 200,000 do not have access to nurse-led services 
  • Over 130,000 have no access to general mental health services 

The reasons behind these statistics include long travel distances and times, challenging terrains, poor transport, variable weather, and faulty workforce distribution.  

Along with higher rates of chronic health conditions among people in remote areas, the above situations result in delayed diagnoses and poorer health outcomes.  

Healthcare Tech Solutions to the Rescue 

But it’s not all ‘doom and gloom’. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!  Innovative technologies, such as business phone systems, can be a vital lifeline for remote health providers, enhancing the accessibility of care. Below we will look at how cloud-based VoIP systems can be utilised and what are some of their benefits. 

1. Better Communication and Collaboration

With cloud-based VOIP systems, healthcare teams can be empowered to connect seamlessly, regardless of location. Video conferencing, real-time chat, and similar features facilitate smoother communication between doctors, nurses, specialists, and other health professionals.  

A rural GP faced with a complex patient case can use video conferencing to consult with a specialist in a metropolitan hospital in real-time. They can share patient records, medical images, and discuss treatment options.  

Likewise, a multidisciplinary team can collaborate in managing a chronic patient via real-time chat. The doctor, nurse, physiotherapist, and dietician can share updates, discuss treatment plans, and coordinate patient care efficiently. 

2. Elevated Experience in Patient Care

A business phone system with features like automated appointment reminders and online scheduling tools such as Microsoft Teams Calling can significantly enhance the patient experience. Additionally, offering secure video consultations can eliminate the need for lengthy travel, especially for follow-up appointments or routine checkups. 

For example, a patient living in a remote community with limited public transportation can now use an online scheduling tool integrated into a practice’s business phone system. They can conveniently book, reschedule, or cancel appointments without the stress of phone calls. A busy rural practice can also automate appointment reminders sent via SMS or email, reducing no-show rates and improving efficiency. 

3. Peak Productivity and Maximum Efficiency

Imagine a nurse in Cairns needing to consult a specialist in Townsville for a patient’s case. With a traditional phone system, this could involve wait times and multiple call backs. A modern business phone system allows for instant connection, enabling faster consultations and quicker decision-making.  

A business phone system enhances call management. Call queues and automatic call distribution can efficiently route incoming calls to the appropriate team member, reducing wait times for patients and optimising staff allocation. Features like call recording and transcription can also save time and improve accuracy, while healthcare professionals can quickly reference call details for patient records or consultations. 

4. Solid Data Security and Compliance

Patients in remote locations often have their personal health information transmitted from one location to the other. Cloud-based phone systems can be setup in a way that ensures data is protected during transmission and storage. These systems utilise encryption, access controls, and data backup protocols. Some have multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and can go through regular security audits depending on your agreement with the provider. 

There are digital business phone solutions that can also help adhere to stringent data privacy regulations, ensuring responsible handling of sensitive information. Such systems can be configured to comply with Australian healthcare data privacy regulations like My Health Record and the Privacy Act. 

5. Cost-Effective Operations of Healthcare Service Providers

Traditional phone systems can be expensive to maintain and lack scalability. Today’s cloud-based business phone systems are more cost-effective solutions, often charging on a per-user basis. They also eliminate upfront hardware investment and simplify maintenance.  

Additionally, features like call recording and analytics can help provide valuable insights into call patterns and staff utilisation. This helps optimise staffing levels, reducing unnecessary expenditures. 

Ultimately, these cost savings contribute to the sustainability of remote healthcare services, ensuring continued care for their patients. When operational costs are reduced, healthcare providers can also invest in more services or technologies to improve patient access.

Taking the Next Step to Bridge the Healthcare Gap

Any healthcare service can provide superior patient care by switching to a cloud-based VoIP system. At Future IT Services we prefer Microsoft Teams and here’s why.  

If you want to bridge the remote healthcare gap by fully leveraging your business phone system features, it’s essential to have professionals handle the setup. We can partner with you through our comprehensive plans suited for every business size. Start exploring our packages.