Congrats, you’ve just purchased your new laptop! Now it’s time to migrate everything from your old PC onto your new laptop. But wait – if you’ve been working on your old computer for some time, you can probably imagine just how much data needs to be moved over – and moved securely.

You can do this quickly and easily by following these 10 simple steps!

Step 1: Clean Up

The first step is to clean up what you have on your old device. That way, when you are ready to migrate everything over, you won’t be moving files that you don’t even need.

Think of it this way: if you’re moving house, you won’t bring your rubbish with you to your new home. You’ll want to do a clean-out before the “big move”, and only bring what you need.

So, what should you clean up? Review and delete your files, applications, and old emails (that includes deleting your deleted items!).

Once you’re satisfied, it’s time to back it all up.

Step 2: Save Your Data to the Cloud

Whether you’re using OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, or another cloud hosting service, it’s now time to save all of your existing data to the cloud!

Cloud storage solutions allow you to access your data anytime, anywhere (provided you have an internet connection). That means that every file you create, or edit is all saved in the cloud.

At Future IT Services, we recommend using OneDrive from Microsoft.

Here’s a quick OneDrive step-by-step…

  1. Make sure you have OneDrive installed on your computer. You can download it here.
  2. Log in to your Microsoft account.
  3. Click on the cloud icon in your toolbar and click on the Settings icon in the top right corner. Click ‘Settings’.
  4. Go to the ‘Back Up’ tab & click ‘Manage Back Up’.
  5. Click on desktop, documents, and pictures, then click ‘Start Back Up’.
  6. Sit back and let your files sync.
  7. Now move onto your new device, install OneDrive and login.

Ta da! Your files will slowly begin appearing on your new device!

Step 3: Sync Your Bookmarks

While you were busy cleaning up your old device, you may have already sorted through and organised your bookmarks. If you haven’t, go ahead and see if there’s anything you would like to leave behind.

Once you’ve done that, it’s now time to sync your browser bookmarks so that you’ll be able to access all of your saved pages on your new laptop!

Since most people use Google Chrome, here’s how to sync your bookmarks on Chrome:

  1. Login into your Google account or create a new account on Google Chrome (this is not to be mistaken for a Gmail account, you can use your own email to create a Google account).
  2. In the upper right of the browser window, click ‘Profile’.
  3. Click ‘Turn on sync > Turn on’ then ‘Manage what you sync’.
  4. Now switch over to your new device and open Google Chrome.
  5. Log in using your Google Account and ta-da! Your bookmarks will appear!

Housekeeping Time

Great – you’ve now synced everything and it’s time to move over to your new device!

Now let’s take the opportunity to adopt some cyber security best practices in order to protect your data and new device.

Step 4: Start using a Password Manager

No one wants their identity or credentials stolen, so start using a Password Management tool. This software creates a strong defence against cybercriminals while securely managing all your passwords in one place.

Let’s say you create a new account. A Password Management tool can generate a complex account password for that specific account, and then store it in a database that only you can access.

Step 5: Turn on Multi-Factor Authentication

Following on from the first point, turn on MFA on all accounts, where possible. This gives you an extra layer of protection. You can learn more about MFA on one of our recent blogs: MFA: The overlooked Cyber Security Tool that could save your business.

Step 6: Run Updates on the Operating System

Your new computer is new, however, that doesn’t mean that it just left the factory yesterday. It’s most likely been sat around for a few weeks or even months before reaching you, meaning updates have been released within that time frame.

To make sure your laptop is performing at its best, go ahead and check for any existing updates and run them. Since your computer is still new, this shouldn’t take too long at all, but keep in mind that you may need to restart your computer for any updates to run.

Follow these steps on your Windows 10:

  • ‘Settings’ & ‘Update & Security’ & ‘Windows Update’
  • Click ‘Check for Updates’.
  • Click ‘Turn on sync > Turn on’ then ‘Manage what you sync’.

Windows 11:

  • ‘Settings’ > ‘Windows Update’.

Step 7: Remove any Bloatware

Bloatware is any unnecessary or optional pre-installed applications that come with your new laptop. These apps slow your computer down and take up a good amount of your already-limited hard drive storage.

Remove any of the bloatware programs that you know you won’t be using. Depending on what you need, this can sometimes include Calculator, Weather Apps, Groove Music, and so on.

Step 8: Install Antivirus Software

Installing antivirus software is such an important step when setting up your new laptop but unfortunately, it is sometimes overlooked. In 2021, 61% of organisations experienced a ransomware attack that led to at least a partial disruption of business operations. Don’t let this be you.

Windows 10 does have built-in antivirus protection called Microsoft Defender. However, your new device still requires additional layers of security that are aligned with the ACSC’s Essential Eight best practices.

This includes:

  • Application control
  • Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Patching applications
  • Configuring Microsoft Office macro settings
  • User application hardening
  • Restricting administrative privileges
  • Patching operating systems
  • Backing up your data regularly

Want to learn more about the Essential Eight and how your business relies on it? We’ve got you covered.

Step 9: Protect Device from Theft

We really hope this never happens to you, but it is better to be safe than sorry and do everything that you can to protect your device from theft.

Windows has a feature, ‘Find My Device’ that does just that. It uses a GPS signal to help you locate your laptop, and in the meantime, you have the ability to lock it and all of its data.

Keep in mind that this feature only works if you enable it ahead of time.

To do this:

  1. Make sure your device is connected to the internet and has a sufficient battery
  2. Sign in to your Microsoft account
  3. Start > Settings > Update & Security > Find My Device
  4. Select Change for the device you want to change

Step 10: Get a Cloud Backup Solution

So, you’re storing all your data in the cloud, job done? Nope! Despite being saved in the cloud, this does not mean your data is protected. Should disaster strike or a simple human error take place, you could lose your data if it’s not backed up.

If you’re using Microsoft for example, they and most other cloud storage providers, work on a shared responsibility model. This essentially means that they are responsible for protecting the hardware that houses your data (the server/cloud) but you are responsible for the data. This is where a Cloud Backup Solution comes into play.

You can read more about this on our recent article: 4 Reasons Why You Need a Cloud Backup Solution.

You’re All Setup

After you’ve gone through these steps, you’re good to go! It may seem like a bit of a daunting process, but it’s worth it in the end. After all, if you’re starting off on a new laptop, you might as well start off on a good foot!

Need Help?

As a trusted Managed IT Service Provider, we want nothing but the best for you, your business, and your people. Whether you need help:

  • Finding a new device
  • Migrating your workforce to new devices
  • Storing your data
  • Backing up your data
  • Setting up security measures
  • Or anything else…

We’ve got you covered! Talk to us today!

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