This month we’re getting to know Future IT Services Workshop Technician, Benjamin Van Vree and we had so much fun getting to know him better! Take a read for yourself!

Tell us one of your proudest achievements?

  • When my daughter was born.
  • Raising her as a single father.
  • Owning my own home before the age of 30.
  • Regaining myself and being able to come up from a really down point in my life.

Does tomato sauce go in the fridge or cupboard?

Cupboard until opened. Then fridge.

Tell us the funniest joke you know?

There were these two guys in a bar, which was on the 20th floor of a building. The first man said I bet you $100 I can jump out that window and come straight back in!

The second man says Ok, sure. and the barman holds the bet.

The first man jumps out the window and disappears for a second before jumping straight back in. Disappointed about losing the $100, the second man says: I’ll bet you another $100 you can’t do it again. So the barman holds the bet again. Sure enough, the first man jumps out the window, disappears for a second, then jumps straight back in.

Thinking he must have caught a freak gust of wind, the second man says Ok, I bet you $300 I can jump out the window and come straight back in..The first man says Ok, sure..

The second man jumps out the window and falls to the footpath below. He is dead. Back up in the bar, the barman says to the first man Gee, you can be such a mean guy when you’re drunk, Superman.

After you left school, what was your dream job?

A fighter Pilot in the Airforce.

What do you enjoy most about working for Future IT Services?

The people I work with are a great bunch of people. The customers I get to meet always have a good story to tell and just the general atmosphere of the place.

If you were arrested with no explanation what would your friends and family think you have done?

Jumping on a stage just to have a hit on the drumkit.

If you were stranded on a desert Island and could have one piece of technology, what would it be and why?

Something to listen to music on.

If you had to pick one superpower what would it be?

Mind reading.