I’m sure everyone wants to talk about something other than COVID-19, however we have had a number of inquiries so I wanted to update you on our current status and work capability at this point in time.

  1. Our office will remain open during normal business hours until we are forced to lock down.
  2. Our Admin & Sales staff are available onsite, and of course I am too.
  3. Our full technical team is working from home and 100% operational.
  4. Our onsite resources will continue to attend site where practical.

We have also taken extra precautions in relation to entry into our building from Reception to Delivery to protect our staff and clients.

A Safe Distance Zone has been created in reception for client drop off/pick up and a Delivery Quarantine Zone for stock to sit for 24 hours before handling.

These measures are in place temporarily whilst we all come to terms with this new world we are all navigating.

Stay safe and it you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the office on 0740 585 700

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