2020 has certainly been a struggle for everyone, particularly most businesses. The time has come to start planning for business success 2021. While no one can predict the future or what’s in store, what we can do is safeguard business IT systems, improve them and ensure they are the best they can be moving forward into 2021. 

Let’s take a look at some ways this can be achieved. 

 #1 – Enhance Your Cyber Security Efforts 

Cyber security should always be a top priority when it comes to your business computer network. Each day, new cyber threats emerge, so it’s vital you stay on top of it with the latest virus protection, by updating your operating system and programs with the latest security patches, and by being always diligent and aware of cyber threats and online scams. 

Staff training on cyber security is also a wise idea, as everyone in your employ is responsible for cyber security. Everybody will learn how to keep the business IT systems protected, as well as become more aware of things like phishing scams and any other type of threat currently doing the rounds. Professional cyber security services offer training courses in cyber safety. 

#2 – Put a Business Continuity Plan In Place

The concept behind a business continuity plan is to keep your business up and running, or to recover or repair your IT system ASAP should a problem occur. 

These days, many modern businesses rely on IT to function, so the less downtime your IT system suffers, the better it will be for business. 

Ongoing support from IT professional services is generally required for a business continuity plan to be successful. The IT company will help keep your system going, or get it up and running again in rapid time. IT professionals can also monitor your IT system and keep an eye out for potential problems or security breaches. IT disaster recovery solutions should also be a part of the business continuity plan.  

#3 – Update To the Latest Technology 

Computer equipment, peripherals and software for business are all tax write-offs, so why not consider updating your IT system for the new year with the very latest technology? Not only will you end up with a system that’s overall faster and more efficient, it’ll be more secure as well. 

Productivity is the name of the game when it comes to getting work done and increasing business profits, and a brand new IT system will definitely help improve productivity, as well as the mindset of your employees.  

#4 – Collaborate With Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft Teams has become an integral part of Office Suite 365 since 2016. The idea of Teams is to make it easier for workers to collaborate, communicate and share information, ideas and documents. 

You can also use Microsoft Teams for video calls and conference calls, making it the perfect, all-rounded solution to maintain business operations and stay connected. 

#5 – Ongoing IT Support Services

If you’ve never hired a professional IT support team before, then 2021 might be the year you should decide to give it a try. 

As mentioned in the section on having a business continuity plan, teaming up with an IT company that regularly monitors and services your IT system really is a step in the right direction for your business, and will give you complete peace of mind. 

#6 – Have System Backups In Place

Your business data is one of your most valuable assets, so you don’t want to risk losing any of it. Therefore, it’s important to regularly back up your data either to secure cloud storage, or on portable hard drives. 

Regular backups mean you always have the latest copies of your valuable data should a problem or disaster occur. Backups are a habit everyone in your organisation should adopt. 

#7 – Consult With Future IT Services 

For all your IT solutions in Cairns and Townsville, consult with the experts at Future IT Services. We’ve been an integral part of a growing market for more than 23+ years now. If you need assistance moving forward with your IT system in 2021, we are the local team to call.